Posted on octubre 6, 2020 by Monica Vera

Colombia is the second country with the largest export of flowers in the world, and when this quarantine began, the fear was enormous.
Gloria Yaneth Pérez Ramírez talks to us about her experience with flower production in the midst of a pandemic. She has worked at the Flores El Capiro Company for 20 years.
And this is one of the many companies that have Florverde® Sustainable Flowers certification.
“At the beginning, it was very difficult to adapt to all the changes and Biosafety protocols that were applied in the company,” she told us. To keep the company working, it was necessary to implement several mandatory biosafety mechanisms. “The mask has become a part of our uniform, we wash our hands every two hours, they disinfect our shoes, we have to make different time-breaks for breakfast and separate work entry hours”. To maintain the Florverde® Sustainable Flowers certification, this and other security mechanisms were mandatory, since one of the most important things in all this production is the people and their families.
She was able to tell us how safe she feels to be able to work in the middle of a global pandemic: “We feel very safe and calm due to the security that the company transmits to us, it is very pleasant to get to work in this environment. They also prepared and trained all of us in everything that had to do with protocols, training, and digital information ”.
The objective is not only to not stop production but to ensure that it is carried out under the most demanding security measures that protect the health of workers and especially their jobs, of which 140,000 Colombian families rely on.
And indirectly and thanks to the efforts of the workers who have brought these practices to their homes, we have been able to collaborate in caring for the elderly and other vulnerable people. “We implemented Biosafety protocols in our homes and we were more aware”.
But the message is clear, in times of difficulties, those beautiful flowers are not only a symbol of this beautiful planet that we must continue to care for and enjoy, but it is also the symbol of thousands of families that still go out to work this earth with the greatest possible love.
“The company has made an effort to modify the worksites, the work methodology, and the signage. Buy our flowers without fear that here at the company we take care of ourselves and respect all Biosafety protocols. We would be very happy to have your support ”.
This is the story, and we are happy to say, happy story of Gloria Yaneth Pérez Ramírez. That she was able to keep his job and maintain the production of flowers for export. All this, with the entire security and confidence that the company where you work complies with all the necessary biosecurity requirements that give it the Florverde® Sustainable Flowers certification.
You may be interested to know: Measures to maintain the Florverde Sustainable Flowers certification during the COVID-19